Next to marriage and divorce, moving is the most stressful event a person goes through. Add kids into that moving scenario and you’ve got a recipe for stress that could go off the charts. Thankfully, there are ways to mitigate the upheaval that your kids might be feeling during a move. The object is to make it fun. Who knows? It might end up being fun for you two! Here’s what you can do:
Involve Your Kids in the Process
Moving is no time to “shield” your kids. They are going to know what is going on and that will begin with the shopping for a home. You might not want to take them on every open house but once you’ve put an offer on a place and it has been expected, you might want to bring them to the home to show them what can be their new bedroom.
When it is time for packing, you can get the kids involved with a yard sale to sell off some of the stuff you don’t want to bring with you. They might even have some items of their own that they are willing to put up for sale.
Visit the New Neighborhood
You might have only conducted a passing glance at your new neighborhood. While you’re waiting for the close to settle, take your kids on a deeper tour. This is the time to find the parks, libraries and restaurants that will become part of your new life. Whatever new discover that you make, be sure to frame it in the distance it is from the new home.
Consider a Playdate for Moving Day
As exciting as moving day might be, it might be helpful if you can arrange for a play date for the first phase of the day. You’ll be dealing with a lot of details and it might be hard to focus on all the questions you’re little one is having. You can pick them up after the movers have started to unload in your new home. This is also a perfect day for grandparents to take over!
Pack a Special Moving Day Bag
You’ll have your own priorities for a moving day bag. It should be everything that you will need for your first night and morning in your new place. Your little ones will also have their “priorities.” That will include the stuffed animals and other toys that are favorites. It will also help to get them into the same bedding that was in their previous bedroom. You can always swap it out later. You might also pack a moving day surprise gift in their box. That will keep them busy, too. Just nothing with batteries!