Labor Day is a federal holiday in the United States that celebrates the achievements of workers. It is held on the first Monday in September and was established in 1882.
Labor Day is a day of rest for many workers and is also considered the unofficial end of summer. Some people take advantage of the long weekend to travel, while others use it to relax at home or with family and friends.
For some businesses, Labor Day marks the start of the fall season, and they may hold sales or special events.
Though now considered a staple of the American calendar, Labor Day did not become an official holiday until the late 19th century.
The idea for a “Workingman’s Holiday” dates back to the 1880s, when union members and labor organizations began championing the cause. At the time, workers in the United States were laboring for long hours under dangerous conditions for little pay.
The first Labor Day parade was held in New York City on September 5, 1882, and it proved to be a success. The following year, cities across the country began holding their own parades and celebrations on the first Monday in September. In 1884, Cleveland became the first city to officially recognize Labor Day as a holiday.
In 1894, Congress passed legislation making it a national holiday. Today, Labor Day is celebrated with picnics, parades, and barbecues, honoring the contributions of workers across America.
However you choose to spend Labor Day, it is a good time to reflect on workers’ contributions and roles in society.